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Gingerbread Village

Gingerbread Village

This Gingerbread Village is more like a Winter  Wonderland with everything a Christmas village needs. It even has a doghouse for Santa´s pet :-)


Do you love making gingerbread houses more than most people? Really enjoy and cherish this nice holiday tradition? Then the Gingerbread Village might be a perfect match for you.


What you get: 

What you get:

- Gingerbread Funny House Template

- Gingerbread Forest Cottage Template

- Gingerbread Mountain Cottage Template

- Old-fashioned Gingerbread Mansion Template

- Gingerbread Cathedral Template

- Ginerbread Doghouse Template


Gingerbread Funny House

Sometimes you just want to make a funny fabolous gingerbread house. This template is designed for exactly that purpose. It is fun to make, fun to decorate and will guaranteed be the "talk of the town"...or should we say "talk of the Gingerbread village" :-)


Gingerbread Forest Cottage

The Gingerbread Forest Cottage template is designed to give you that magical fairytale Gingerbread house feeling. Snowflakes in the sky, christmas music in the background, it´s almost as you can smell the smoke coming out of the know the feeling.


Gingerbread Mountain Cottage

The details on this cottage really make the difference. The balcony, the original chimney and the traditional "oppstue" - Norwegian dialect for a traditional type of cottage buildingstyle in the snowy mountains. 


Old-fashioned Gingerbread Mansion

There is something special when it comes to traditional gingerbread houses. The Old-fashioned Gingerbread Mansion template is one of those. A true classical house that will make the most beautiful Christmas decoration and "light-up" any room. 


Gingerbread Cathedral

A true masterpiece. The design is elegant with clean lines. The many rooms and parts put together makes it  charming and cosy, and all the decorative windows make this gingerbread cathedral really something special.


Gingerbread Doghouse

Every Gingerbred Village needs a cute home for the town pet. This cute doghouse, or should we say reindeerhouse, will definitiely be "the icing on the cake" in this adorable Winter Wonderland. 


You can read more about each Gingerbread House in their separate description.

Except for the doghouse, wich is only offered in the village package. 




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